Image List

we design a fantasy world with big trees, mountains and clouds in the sky
origami style A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish. . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape combined with A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape combined with origami style A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
origami style A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with origami style A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape combined with origami style A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
origami style A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish. . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape
origami style A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape . paper art, pleated paper, folded, origami art, pleats, cut and fold, centered composition combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee. combined with Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape
A chubby cat sitting on a waffle and another cat drinking coffee.
Entwickle ein Bild, das eine dynamische Szenerie eines geschäftigen Stadtmarktes darstellt. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein glücklicher, bunter Erzeugerstand voller frischer Obst- und Gemüsesorten, während Menschen eifrig einkaufen und miteinander plaudern. Im Hintergrund sind charmante alten Gebäude sichtbar, während ein lokaler Musiker eine fröhliche Melodie spielt und Kinder lachend im Vordergrund spielen. Der Himmel ist strahlend blau und die Sonne scheint fröhlich auf das belebte Treiben hinab.
Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape combined with A fish wearing a large hat, swimming gracefully in the ocean. combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish. combined with
Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery. combined with A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape
A fish wearing a large hat, swimming gracefully in the ocean. combined with A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
A fish surrounded by many trees in a beautiful forest landscape
A person counting and speaking in German, desiring a fish.
A fish wearing a large hat, swimming gracefully in the ocean.
Darmstadt cityscape featuring the Herrengarten park with people walking and lush greenery.
Blue lagoon under palm trees with a hammock and a fox inside.
A balloon flying through an evening sky with a red sun in the background.
Small cute dogs playing near an ivory tower. combined with A snowboarder performing a big jump on a beautiful, white mountain. combined with A beautiful fantasy tree with stunning blossoms and birds perched on it, surrounded by a magical atmosphere. combined with  combined with A person sitting in a library, smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey.
A person sitting in a library, smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey.
Small cute dogs playing near an ivory tower. combined with A snowboarder performing a big jump on a beautiful, white mountain. combined with A beautiful fantasy tree with stunning blossoms and birds perched on it, surrounded by a magical atmosphere. combined with
A beautiful fantasy tree with stunning blossoms and birds perched on it, surrounded by a magical atmosphere.
Small cute dogs playing near an ivory tower. combined with A snowboarder performing a big jump on a beautiful, white mountain. combined with
A snowboarder performing a big jump on a beautiful, white mountain.
Small cute dogs playing near an ivory tower.
A luxurious café lounge area with bamboo, set next to a blue lagoon featuring a palm tree and hammock with a fox resting inside.
A space station on a comet near Mars.
A person hoping to receive a pizza, a cheeseburger, a cola with ice, set in a casual dining setting.
An old bicycle with a racing bike-like handlebar, evoking mixed feelings of dislike and unexpected enjoyment. combined with Bicycles traveling through mountainous terrain with the Hohenstaufenberg, a prominent mountain, in the background. combined with A child riding a small bicycle in a scenic town setting, reflecting a sense of nostalgia and joy from childhood memories. combined with
An old bicycle with a racing bike-like handlebar, evoking mixed feelings of dislike and unexpected enjoyment. combined with Bicycles traveling through mountainous terrain with the Hohenstaufenberg, a prominent mountain, in the background. combined with
A disappointed person standing next to a bicycle, looking longingly at a distant figure who is cycling away on a sunny day.
Two girls on bicycles meeting friends on a sunny day, ready for a ride.
A majestic castle atop a mountain, with people imagining themselves as kings from the past.
Bicycles traveling through mountainous terrain with the Hohenstaufenberg, a prominent mountain, in the background.
An old bicycle with a racing bike-like handlebar, evoking mixed feelings of dislike and unexpected enjoyment.
A child riding a small bicycle in a scenic town setting, reflecting a sense of nostalgia and joy from childhood memories.
Erstelle ein beeindruckendes, lebendiges Bild eines idyllischen Waldes bei Sonnenaufgang. Lass die goldenen Strahlen der aufgehenden Sonne sanft durch die dichten Baumkronen fallen, während ein kühler, glitzernder Fluss sanft durch die Szene mäandert. In der Nähe, auf einer kleinen Lichtung, entfaltet sich die Natur: Tiere erwachen, Vögel zwitschern fröhlich in den Zweigen, und an einem Baum nagt ein geschäftiger Specht. Die Farben des Bildes sollen warm und einladend sein, mit einem Hauch von Morgennebel, der der Szenerie eine mystische Note verleiht.
A hamburger with cheese and a cola.
Butterflies fluttering over meadows and forests, surrounded by nature's beauty.
A group of diverse people making a pizza together, surrounded by ingredients like cheese, tomatoes, and basil, in a cheerful kitchen setting.
a person talking to a computer, feeling a bit silly
A dark-colored wall reflecting a negative mood.
Stelle eine malerische Landschaft dar mit majestätischen Bergen, tiefblauen Seen und einem Himmel voller zarter Wolken. Lass Vögel anmutig durch den Himmel fliegen, ihre Flügel ausgebreitet, als ob sie im Einklang mit der Brise schweben. Die Szene vermittelt ein Gefühl von Freiheit und Ruhe, eingebettet in eine harmonische Naturkulisse.
Ein saftiger Burger mit goldbraunem, knusprigem Brötchen und einer dicken, perfekt gegrillten Fleischscheibe, getoppt mit zerlaufenem Käse, frischen Tomatenscheiben, knackigem Salat und pikanten Zwiebelringen. Daneben eine Portion knuspriger goldgelber Pommes, die Dampf aufsteigen lassen, und ein kleiner frischer grüner Salat mit leuchtend roten Kirschtomaten und einem Hauch von Dressing. Eine Komposition, die appetitlich angerichtet ist, auf einer rustikalen Holzplatte serviert wird und im Sonnenschein glänzt.
Lernmaterialien digital und Bücher
Stelle dir eine weitläufige, unberührte Alpenlandschaft vor, in der die majestätischen, schneebedeckten Berggipfel in der Ferne zum Himmel ragen. Zwischen diesen Bergen befinden sich malerische grüne Wiesen, übersät mit wilden Blumen in allen Farben des Regenbogens. Hier grasen gemütlich Ziegen, während ein klarer, blauer Himmel das gesamte Panorama umspannt. In dieser friedlichen Kulisse lebt ein junges Mädchen namens Heidi, deren Augen vor Freude strahlen, während sie barfuß über die weichen Gräser der Bergwiesen läuft. Sie spürt die Freiheit und den Wind, der sanft über ihre Haut streicht, während sie die frische, reine Bergluft tief einatmet. Ihr Lächeln spiegelt die Unbeschwertheit und das Glück wider, das sie inmitten der Natur empfindet.
Erstelle ein Bild, das die geschäftige Metropole Tokio darstellt, indem du die belebten Straßen und leuchtenden Reklametafeln der Stadt einfängst. Lass das nächtliche Stadtbild mit den hohen Wolkenkratzern und modernen Architekturen dominieren, während Menschenmengen die Gehwege beleben und der pulsierende Herzschlag der Stadt spürbar ist. Füge ein Gefühl von Geschwindigkeit und Energie hinzu, indem du dynamische Elemente wie schnell fahrende Züge und Straßenverkehr darstellst.
Erstelle eine künstlerische Darstellung, die das Leben auf einem lebendigen Bauernhof einfängt. Zeige saftige grüne Felder, auf denen glückliche Kühe weiden. Im Vordergrund steht ein traditionelles Bauernhaus mit roten Ziegeln und ein Holzscheune mit Hühnern, die fröhlich herumlaufen. Ein Traktor fährt über einen Feldweg, während der Himmel in einem klaren Blau erstrahlt und die Sonne goldene Strahlen über die Felder wirft. Füge auch einige bunte Blumenbeete und Obstbäume hinzu, die das Bild abrunden.
Stelle eine friedliche ländliche Szene dar, in der die sanften Strahlen der Morgensonne über einen weiten, grünen Bauernhof scheinen. Ein großer, roter Dachboden steht im Mittelpunkt, umgeben von offenen Feldern mit goldenem Getreide, das sanft im Wind weht. Im Vordergrund grasen zufriedene Kühe auf saftigen Wiesen, während ein fröhlicher Bauer seinen treuen Hund begrüßt. Am Horizont erheben sich sanfte Hügel und dichte Wälder, die den friedlichen und natürlichen Charme des Landlebens einfangen. Nutze warme, lebendige Farben, um die Idylle und Ruhe dieser ländlichen Szene hervorzuheben.
Stelle dir einen saftigen Hamburger vor, dessen zarter Rindfleisch-Patty von geschmolzenem Käse überzogen ist, eingebettet in einem weichen, goldbraunen Brötchen. Der Hamburger ist garniert mit frischem, knackigem Salat, leuchtend roten Tomatenscheiben und knusprigen Gurkenscheiben. Daneben liegt ein Stapel heißer, goldgelber Pommes Frites, die mit einem Hauch von Salz bestreut sind. Eine sprudelnde Cola in einem klaren Glas steht bereit, um das Essen zu vervollständigen, und winzige Bläschen steigen darin auf. Im Hintergrund klingt fröhliches Murmeln eines belebten Diner-Restaurants.
A fast Formula 1 race car speeding down a winding racetrack, with a backdrop of cheering fans and bright blue skies.
A hiker enjoying a scenic mountain landscape, surrounded by lush greenery and serene nature, capturing the essence of an idyllic hiking vacation.
A picture of an group of six young boys and girls of different nationalities who tries to establish rules and norms. The group stands in a modern seminar room with light blue walls. The people put post-ist on whiteboard and make a list of rules and discuss them.
View of Mount Everest with dark clouds gathering around its peak, creating a dramatic and moody atmosphere, as seen from a distant room.
A large, green tree.
A scene depicting a lively art exhibit featuring various canvases adorned with vibrant and detailed images, placed around a fountain, capturing the moment of artistic realization and understanding.
A creative artist using a blank canvas to combine images in a unique composition.
 aseh k er:! ky ak aesh.'":k ! kengz ke ej': ome. ke magyare els'. creh esel nanny ‘image description’', 4. Include just the summary words and sentence of a color provider., 5. End with one positive sentence outlining the summary words.Text:In the realm of blockchain and renewable energy, a remarkable convergence is taking place. Innovative companies are at the forefront, harnessing digital currencies and smart contracts to drive sustainable solutions. By integrating these technologies with renewable energy projects, they're enhancing transparency, reducing transaction costs, and promoting wider adoption of clean energy. The synergy between blockchain and renewable energy is paving the way for a decentralized, sustainable future. With increased efficiency and security, along with the ability to incentivize participation through tokens, this fusion holds immense promise for transforming the energy landscape.Summary:The integration of blockchain with renewable energy is enhancing transparency and reducing costs, promising a sustainable future.Image Prompt:A futuristic scene depicting blockchain integration with renewable energy, showcasing digital currencies and smart contracts enhancing transparency and reducing costs, in a sustainable landscape.
A person contemplating how to physically grasp or acquire a conceptual image.
A group of people engaging in a team-building activity, where individuals are meeting for the first time and getting to know each other, set in an informal discussion setting with images in the background.
A beautiful room with an impressive atmosphere for collaboration, enhanced by AI and VR technology.
City planning concept with urban structures, roads, buildings, parks, and people interacting in a vibrant city environment.
View from a treehouse balcony overlooking a garden.
A treehouse nestled in a massive oak tree within a beautiful garden full of colorful flowers.
A beautiful, sunny landscape with many happy elephants, none of which are pink.
glass within a glass with an uplifting and pleasant atmosphere
A happy person enjoying the sunshine on a bright sunny day.
A person standing in the rain, looking sad, with an adjustable light illuminating the scene.
Four pink elephants in an imaginative setting.
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Two pink elephants standing side by side.
A pink elephant performing magic.
A pink elephant standing in a whimsical, colorful landscape with trees and a bright sky.
a sunset over the sea
A sustainable dream city, futuristic design, eco-friendly architecture, lush green spaces, renewable energy sources, urban gardens, clean technology, vibrant community life.
A sustainable dream city.
A small green square in the top right corner of a canvas.
pre-made images collection in a digital library
People interacting in different physical spaces, connected through technology.
Goethe University depicted in the style of Leonardo da Vinci, showcasing classical architecture with intricate sketches and detailed elements.
a bicycle wheel with someone about to touch it, numbers one to three in a subtle background
An elephant balancing on a red ball.
A beautiful American car on a New York street, capturing the urban vibe.
A dog standing on a grassy meadow.
A summer meadow with flowers, sunshine, and two rabbits hopping around.
A chemistry student conducting an experiment in a laboratory setting.
Chemielabor, 50 Studenten stehen und ein Professor, erklärt Ihnen die neuesten
Zoo animals, including monkeys and other species.
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with  combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with  combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with a person sitting alone in a dark and gloomy environment, feeling sad and introspective combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with  combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with a person sitting alone in a dark and gloomy environment, feeling sad and introspective combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with  combined with
a person sitting alone in a dark and gloomy environment, feeling sad and introspective combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with a person sitting alone in a dark and gloomy environment, feeling sad and introspective combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with
a person sitting alone in a dark and gloomy environment, feeling sad and introspective
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with  combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with  combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam. combined with houses and trees in the forest combined with
Cake and pastries with coffee and milk foam.
houses and trees in the forest
Künstliche Intelligenz dargestellt als digitales neuronales Netzwerk aus blauen schimmernden Punkten, die zwischen dem  Kopf des Menschen schwebt und einem Laptop